Sunday, November 7, 2010


Ok! We're here! I feel like I'm in high school and I just ran in two seconds after the bell rang...

Last week, against my better judgement, we began our "official" preschool. I wanted to stick to my original plan to begin the first week of November, even though our move didn't go exactly as planned.

So, we began.

Turner and Eli really responded well to school, though initially concerned we were actually going somewhere.

Last week we talked about fire safety. There were some songs and finger plays we did and I was amazed at how quickly Turner remembered the words to things.

We began each day with our little greeting "Good morning, good morning, welcome to our day." and it really made Turner smile. I think he remembered his teacher, Miss Lynn singing it. After that we got dressed and then came downstairs to sit for breakfast together. We lit a candle and said a little morning blessing. The boys love to have a candle at their table and to blow it out after the blessing.

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I tried to concentrate on our Little Acorn curriculum. Tuesday and Thursday was still loosely based on that but I also had lots of other things to do. I really hope by January the house organizing is done and we can have a more calm week!